Next CRA Meeting - 9th April 2015

Dear All, I have had problems in changing the April meeting from the 2nd to the 9th April.  We will not be having our meeting on the 2nd April, as the church have a supper and church service for Maundy Thursday and I did not think it appropriate for us to have our meeting.
I have therefore put it back a week till Thursday 9th April – there is also a Police Panel Meeting on this day – this will take place as usual from 8pm until 9pm and then our meeting will take place from 9pm until 10pm. As we only have an hour could everyone please keep their reports to a minimum. The meetings will take place in the Leverton room as usual.
This will be a good opportunity for the residents to attend 2 meetings in one evening, and give those residents, who only come to one, an insight into the other meeting.
Do hope this is not too inconveniencing for everyone, I do realise that not everyone will be able to make the change – but do hope to see most of you there. Please let me know if you are unable to attend.
I will put a Notice on the church doors about the date change.
Many thanks to everyone,
Ann Turner CRA Secretary