MAYOR & MAYORESS (Special Page)

 Councillor Robert Foote, our New Mayor of Epsom & Ewell
Opens the 'Big Day Out' with
Welcome Message

Good afternoon Cuddington - Welcome everyone. My wife Rosemary and I are delighted to be with you today, not least because this is the community in which we live. This event is rather like a HOME GAME (but perhaps I shouldn't mention football). I've also been proud to represent Cuddington on Epsom & Ewell Borough Council for the last 11 years.


The Committee of the Cuddington Residents' Association has done a fantastic job in putting together this event for the whole community to enjoy. The CRA has, of course, been serving the local community for over 75 years, but they have excelled themselves this year in taking over the organisation of this event, which I know has also caused a few sleepless nights for some, especially with the more uncertain weather forecast for today.


On behalf of all who come and enjoy themselves here today, I would like to say a big THANK YOU to the CRA and all those who are helping in one way or another to make this event a success. It's great to see people coming together to enjoy themselves in this park.


So have fun, spend your money to support local charities and ensure that this annual event continues in future years, and THANK YOU very much for attending.


That's enough from me, except to say may the Big Day Out be a Great Day out for you and family. LET THE FUN BEGIN .....

Saturday 28th June 2014
Flag raising actioned by our Mayor Robert Foote

Click below to view video clip.
Regret noise due to all round activities.

 Click click on the link below

Sunday 28 June 1914 was a day that changed history. Our hundred years ago on this very day Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wige were assassinated in Sarajevo - an act regarded as the trigger for World War 1. Within five weeks Europe went from peaceful prosperity to a conflict that would bring down four empires and cost more than 15 million lives, including the death of nearly three-quarters of a million British military personnel.


Saturday 28 June 2014  we stand here in this park to remember all those who made the ultimate sacrifice in that war - and wars since then - so that we may live in peace.


This flagpole here in Saadbolt Park is a tangible reminder that, one hundred years later, this community has not forgotten World War 1, and may it also be a reminder to genberations yet to come.


So, in dedicating this flagpole, let us remember with thankful hearts all those who lived and died in the service of their country and mankind.


And let us pledge ourselves to serve all mankind in the course of peace.